Monday, December 11, 2017

Vietnam Renewable Energy development project to 2030 with outlook to 2050

1. Viewpoints, strategies and development goals 

Viewpoints on development 

- RE development shall be in synergy with the realization of economic, social and environment goals - RE development and use shall be concerted with an expansion of RE industry
- Focus shall be given to proven technologies in the RE field (including hydropower, wind power, solar power, biomass energy and biogas)
- Incentives/support policies shall be matched with the market mechanism
- Restructuring and state management capacity building shall come together in the RE field.

Strategic and development goals 

 Encourage/mobilize all resources from the society , develop RE with reasonable prices, gradually increase the RE share in the national energy production and consumption in order to ensure less dependence on fossil sources, and contribute to better energy security, mitigating climate change, environmental protection and sustainable socio-economic development.
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